如果今天你在打合球比賽,但是手邊又沒有專業的計分設備,Korfball Tool 會是您最好的選擇。
就讓 Korfball Tool 幫您解決這些複雜的小問題吧
點擊 00:00 以設定總比賽時間
25 秒為合球出手時間,在倒數過程中按下 Reset 即可回到 25 秒繼續倒數
拉條( seekbar ) 可以設定25秒的時間
左下 TimeStart / TimeStop 為所有時間開始及暫停
右下 Reset All 可將全部數值還原至預設值
If today you are playing korfball tournament, but has no professional hand scoring equipment, Korfball Tool will be your best choice.
So that you do not have two phones in mind is not open to the busy
Let Korfball Tool to help you solve these complex problems of small bars
---- Description Use ----
Click to set the total playing time 00:00
Between the two teams score zero
Tap the right to pull extra points, whereas Zola points
25 seconds into a total shot time, press the Reset in the countdown to return to continue the countdown 25 seconds
Brace (seekbar) can be set to 25 seconds
Left TimeStart / TimeStop for all time to start and pause
Reset All right all values can be restored to the default value